Current Happenings Affect Us All

Published on 28 January 2025 at 11:01

These writings are my simple explanation for friends and family to better understand the happenings in our small piece of the world.  The writings are based on MY understanding and interpretation of current events and my personal response to those.  I promise to use primary sources of information, and cite those sources when possible, but encourage you to check things out on your own. 

It may seem that the world is on fire, and I'm not exactly sure it isn't.  We must, however, not bury our heads in the sand.  Way back in the 1970s I was lucky enough to have parents who encouraged civic engagement and activism.  I have carried that passion through the last fifty or so years.  I, like Bishop Budde, will not apologize for my thoughts.  No one is forcing you to read this blog and I reiterate this is how I perceive things to be based on careful reading and listening.  It will become apparent quickly where I stand politically and that is my right just as it is yours to disagree with me.  I will not, however, engage in name calling or arguing with you on my own blog.  Go somewhere else to do that.  If you choose to state your opinion honestly and with factual information to back up your opinion I will respect your right to do so.  Just make sure you cite your source.  Welcome to an old woman's writing. 

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Elisabeth Herndon
a month ago

I’ve read all of the blogs are your blog site and I must say, they are very thorough. I think you will be particularly busy during these next four years. I look forward to the detailed explanations as we navigate potential (probable) chaos. ❤️